A Class Blog That Can Inspire Students To Learn About The World Of Aviation
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Airport Trip
(courtesy of Hessa and Noora)
Dear Students,
Thanks to all for the great trip we had yesterday. Thank you for the interest you showed, your questions, notes...
I invite you here to post comments and impressions from the trip.
With the help of Noora and Hessa, you'll soon be able to look at the photos of the trip.
Check this space this weekend.
Take care,
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Trends in the Aviation Industry
- air passenger numbers
- freight volumes
- aircraft
- airport development.
Monday, September 26, 2011
What is an airport?
Here is the first important writing task for this course. Write your answer to the questions:
What is an airport? In your opinion, what is the main role of an airport and why?
What are some of the support services provided at an airport and how important are they?
Write your answer in 100- 120 words. Choose your vocabulary carefully and organise in paragraphs.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Concorde's Last Flight
Saturday, September 24, 2011
1st Delivery of Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Boeing is going to deliver its brand new plane Dreamliner to the Japanese airline All Nippon Airways NH on Monday, 26th.
Boeing 787 is a long range, mid-size wide-body, twin jet airliner.
Find out more about Boeing's most fuel-efficient airliner and the world's first airliner to use composite material for most of its construction on:
You can read of the news on http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/23/us-boeing-idUSTRE78M4LO20110923
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
British Airways - people and planes
BA has a history of 90 years. Enjoy this video that looks back at the type of aircraft in BA fleet from its first years, through the exciting supersonic years of Concorde to the present day orders.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Doha International Airport DOH
Today's lesson is about Doha International Airport DOH and its customers. You'll find out which airlines have scheduled flights to and from the airport. You'll also read reviews of what some customers of the airport think of the facilities and services provided.
Here are the tasks.
1. Check the official Doha airport website: http://www.dohaairport.com/. Find out the airlines-customers of the airport.
2. How many airlines are listed? Give examples of passenger airlines, air-freight companies, regional airlines, budget (low cost) airlines. Find their airport codes.
3. Check the services that are provided at Doha airport and list some of them.
4. How would you rate the airport in the following areas? Give 5 for excellent to 1 for very poor.
- website
- ground transportation (parking facilities, buses, taxis)
- arrival/departure/transit areas
- security and immigration
- terminal comfort
- food and beverages
- shopping facilities
5. Now check how other passengers rank the airport. Go to Skytrax website
http://www.airlinequality.com/. Read customers' comments. How similar or different are other customers' comments from your own?
Post your comments.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Important Organisations
These are the logos of the three organisations that are involved with civil aviation.
What are these organisations and what are they responsible for?
Check their websites and write a short answer about who they represent and what they are in charge of.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
We discuss today the topic of aircraft. You'll be given some questions to research in class.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Welcoming Message
Welcome to AOM!
I am pleased to welcome you to our class blog - the online platform for exchanging ideas and gaining knowledge about the exciting world of aviation and airports.
I hope you enjoy the blog and find the blogging experience useful for your studies and for your job in the future.
Send a short post introducing yourself and tell us about your expectations from this course. Use the comment option below.